It'd be great to have an option for exporting a bot or flow. By doing so, version control on github could be possible. Possible use cases:
  • make a bot in my account, then transfer to client's account easily
  • use find/replace to change API keys accross multiple flows
  • show diff between versions using git
  • sandbox (switch flow versions easily)
  • export flow, edit copy in notepad and import again (copy writer won't be able to break a flow because we can see the diff before importing)
  • backup flows and bots
  • edit large flows
  • create different flow visualization systems and other tools that can analyze our bot outside of flowxo (automatic dead end finder, visualize a flow as a state machine, etc) that can then be open sourced for the whole community
And much much more.
In a perfect world, it would be a JSON file.